Pairing Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon is big, bold, and considered the King of Wines. Also referred to as “Cab,” and “Cab Sauv,” this full bodied red wine is best served with some substantial dishes.

The number one guiding principle in selecting a Cabernet Sauvignon pairing is to match the weight of the wine with the weight of the food. Remember Cabernet Sauvignon is a big full-bodied red wine, so have some substantial food on the menu. Think of it as a winter wine. Eating the right dish with a glass of Cab Sauv is like throwing a log in the fireplace, taking the comfy and cozy to the next level.

Steak and Cabernet Sauvignon is a classic. Throw some burgers on the grill. Prime rib, roast beef, and pot roast can all take leading roles here. Cabernet is a meat lover’s friend.

Vegetarians should not despair! Those bridge ingredients will be your partner in pairing. For example, garlic and basil are part of pasta marinara so sauce up some pasta.